Sunday, August 26, 2012

Why a Blog?

Ossabaw Island road
My inspiration for undertaking this blog assignment is inspired by a recent experience I had in Savannah, Georgia.  I was selected to participate in a National Endowment for the Humanities Landmarks Workshop there. We discussed the history of slavery in the area of the Sea Islands, and we we were able to meet the descendants of slaves who still live on Sapelo Island. Because of what I was able to learn about this summer, we will be reading and thinking about the issues these islanders face today. My fellow faculty members from across the country were so inspired that we decided to create a blog project where our students could share their work written about the history of Sapelo and Ossabaw Island with one another. It is called the Sapelo and Ossabaw Islands Writing Project . Because we have this technology, students from all over the country can now learn together, which is a wonderful opportunity.

Tabby structure built by slaves on Sapelo Island
Your second blog post this semester will be a collaborative blog post that you will both present to our class and post on this national blog. Your work will have to be polished and representative of the quality of work Cedar Crest students are capable of.

Marsh at Sapelo Island


Hello Writing 100 students!
Welcome to our course blog. You will be creating your own blog that I can link to this one.  We will be practicing writing skills along with enhancing your creativity, critical thinking, and technical skills with blogging!

You will be exploring the ideas in this course through your own personal experiences in this blog. Our first unit, for example, is about education. Since you have experienced education for many years in several different settings, your stories will be of interest in conjunction with the essays we will read.

Blogs also have multimedia capabilities, which is not something we can do in your formal papers. I want to see you connecting your ideas with your read through your writing as well as images and links to other places on the web.

I look forward to seeing your work over the semester!