Instructor Bio

About Eileen

Hi! I am your instructor for Summer Bridge. I also teach FYS and Writing 100, so I might see you in my classes in the Fall or Spring as well!

A little bit about me:
This is my "author photo." I am going to put it on my book someday.

I grew up in St. Augustine, Florida.
The beach near my house
I still love the beach, and try to go as many times as possible in the summer. I also go camping with my sister when I can. We were both Girl Scouts, so camping brings back great memories camping as kids. I also love hiking in the area. Pennsylvania has so much to offer the outdoor enthusiast. 
Setting up camp, French Creek Park

I love to travel! I recently went to Ireland, which was incredibly beautiful:

I just graduated with a second master's degree in history, so I have been doing a lot of studying the past few years!

You have to have everything set up in your study space!

On campus, I really like going to events with my students...
Jazz Night Out

Heavy Metal Tea Time, the Writing Center. Can you tell that I am Garth Algar?
Thanks for taking a minute to get to know me!

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