Monday, December 10, 2012


Your portfolio will include the following items:
Revised paper 1
Revised paper 2
Blog posts, including reflective post
Research paper (graded and not revised)

I would like to see your revised work posted on your blog as a public piece of writing. Please create a page on your blog for each of your revised papers. A page is different from a post because it does not move. I will show you how to do this.

In order to make sure I get your revised papers, I have created a PORTFOLIO dropbox. Please put the revised essays in this dropbox as well as on the blog.

In a sense, your blog is your portfolio. You can point to it as a complete body of work. Make it pretty and revise anything you want to before the due date. Remember, each blog should have photos or videos!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Reflection: Final post

I want you to reflect on this semester as a whole. Please write a final reflective blog post explaining what you learned about reading, writing, and thinking in this course.

Discuss the writing assignments, including the blog. I found your blog posts to be insightful and beautiful in moments. This is the first time I have used a blog, and maybe this is just a special group of students, but it was successful for me as a first attempt.You developed some complex answers to my questions about the texts and put energy into making them good. I appreciate it, and I want to hear your feedback about the experience. You can also talk about writing papers and getting my feedback on them.

I am interested in hearing about the reading assignments and the films we watched. Should I use them again? Were they worthwhile to read? How did they affect your thinking in some way?

If this is your first semester in college, how did the course meet or defy your expectations?

You can add anything else you think is important.

This is my last teaching experience for a little while, and it has been a great experience for me. Thanks for your hard work and ability to be flexible.