Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blog Post #1: Interviews

Blog assignment #1:
You will be interviewing a classmate for your first blog post. A good interview reveals something about the interviewee that we would not normally know. Make your questions in a way that will get your interviewee talking about something important to her.
The blog post will be well written in paragraph form, so you will be taking your answers and making them into a complete picture with your writing skills.
The blog post will also include photographs that your interviewee provides you. These photos should be a central part of your question and answers.
You will have time during the next week to work on perfecting your blog post before it is officially due. Please use your time wisely and proofread your work. Make it as professional and presentable as possible.

Welcome Fall 2013 Students!

Hello Writing 100 students!
Welcome to our course blog. You will be creating your own blog that I can link to this one.  We will be practicing writing skills along with enhancing your creativity, critical thinking, and technical skills with blogging!

You will be exploring the ideas in this course through your own personal experiences in this blog. Our first unit, for example, is about education. Since you have experienced education for many years in several different settings, your stories will be of interest in conjunction with the essays we will read.

Blogs also have multimedia capabilities, which is not something we can do in your formal papers. I want to see you connecting your ideas with your read through your writing as well as images and links to other places on the web.

Anything below this post is from a previous semester. Your post prompts will be found above.

I look forward to seeing your work over the semester!